Esel-initiative e.V.
General Information
Current developments
The donkey exhibition on the road
Travel report
Imaginative ideas from our supporters
Our partner organizations
Die ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiter im Hintergrund
Ways to help the project

The Esel-Initiative is a charitable organization recognized by the German charity monitoring institution DZI. Every year, the DZI examines whether our organisation fulfills its commitments to transfer all donations in full to our project partners on location.

We thank our many new members who - with their generous donations - enable us to continue to meet our commitments. In Germany, donations to the Esel-Initiative are tax-deductible.

In the Himlayas, local cows cost between 100-150 €, cows with Jersey cross breeding 380 €, naks and water buffalo between 450-500 €, donkeys up to 200 € and horses between 600-1100 €, depending on region.

Your donations go to:

From outside Germany:

DE02 3705 0198 0010 6575 75
Sparkasse KölnBonn
(Bank Address: Hahnenstr. 57, D-50667 Köln)

As foreign currency checks accrue high banking fees, we ask all our donors from abroad to transfer their donations to our account with charges prepaid.

From Germany:
Account: 106 57575
Sparkasse KölnBonn
German Bank Code:
370 501 98

Please ensure to include your address in the transfer form, so we can send you a tax-deduction receipt (in Germany) and information.

Please feel free to e-mail us with any queries you may have.

Many of the men migrate to the cities; the women with their children stay behind in the villages and have to do all the work. The women and girls transport water, wood, dung, leaves and other animal feed on their backs for storage on the roofs or in barns.

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Esel-initiative e.V. - c/o Stefanie Christmann - Siegfriedstr. 19 - 13156 Berlin - Germany
Account No. 106 57575 - Sparkasse KölnBonn - BLZ 370 501 98
For donations from outside Germany - IBAN: DE02 3705 0198 0010 6575 75 - Swift-BIC: COLSDE33
please only bank transfers in Euro, no checks!