Esel-initiative e.V.
General Information
Current developments
The donkey exhibition on the road
Travel report
Imaginative ideas from our supporters
Our partner organizations
Die ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiter im Hintergrund
Ways to help the project

The children's book "Askalu will einen Esel" ("Askalu wants a donkey") (in German, 64 illustrated pages, ISBN 3-89502-148-2) by Stefanie Christmann and illustrated by Stefani Schwingen was published at Horlemann. The book costs 6,90 Euro and can be obtained at every German bookshop and at The author's fees are donated to the Esel-Initiative in whole.

Askalu will einen Esel

Askalu will einen Esel Zurück zu "Aktuelles"

Zurück zur Hauptseite.

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Esel-initiative e.V. - c/o Stefanie Christmann - Siegfriedstr. 19 - 13156 Berlin - Germany
Account No. 106 57575 - Sparkasse KölnBonn - BLZ 370 501 98
For donations from outside Germany - IBAN: DE02 3705 0198 0010 6575 75 - Swift-BIC: COLSDE33
please only bank transfers in Euro, no checks!